Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fish Eggs Anyone?

A little while back a Business English instructor had introduced the topic of Culture to his class and the importance of it in Business Relations. He put forth the following question: "If a Native English Speaker from Toronto went to your country on business and you were responsible for their stay, including entertainment, what type of itinerary would you create?" After a few minutes of contemplation a Japanese ESL student responded quite succinctly. "First, I would invite him to a restaurant to eat fish eggs, than I would take him to a Geisha and show him a good time."
Naturally some people laughed while others, as is often the case, didn't know what was so funny because like the student who answered the question they found the response quite normal.
The instructor used this opportunity to introduce new vocabulary (caviar) and explain the adult implications of linking good time and Geisha to a Westerner. It is always worth stressing to ESL students that many words have cultural baggage associated with them, so they should be aware when using new vocabulary, of the dreaded "double meaning."

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